Values Afternoon - Resilience

Post date: 03-Feb-2018 10:52:11

This week we had our third values afternoon of the year. Our theme across the school was Resilience. All classes shared their learning in assembly.


Children in EYFS learnt about resilience when they tried to build tall towers, when they fell over they had to start again. They also sang about Incy Wincy Spider who 'had to climb the spout again'

Year 1 and 2

Year 1 and 2 children thought about all the times in school, when they have to be resilient. They also thought about phrases which encourage you to be resilient e.g. 'always try your best', 'I can do it', 'don't give up'

Year 3

Year 3 children thought about their life and told stories about when they were resilient, [articularly when they were learning something new. 

Year 4

Year 4 children thought about growth mindset. They changed negative thoughts into positive thoughts. 

Year 5

Year 5 children read a story and they made story boards to show how the character was resilient. 

Year 6

Year 6 children learnt all about a disabled man who, along with his father, has completed many sporting achievements. They watched a video about him and prepared a presentation.